Principles of good governance in sport

Principles of good governance in sport are presented to the EU Council also informed the work of the Group.

The recommendations proposed by the Group define good governance as 'the framework and culture within which a sports body sets policy, delivers its strategic objectives, engages with stakeholders, monitors performance, evaluates and manages risk and reports to its constituents on its activities and progress including the delivery of effective, sustainable and proportionate sports policy and regulation'. The recommendations aim at encompassing a broad spectrum of recipients ranging from the bottom to the top of the sporting pyramid. They are based on 10 main principles which are accompanied by detailed practical guidance. The annexes to the document present a list of best practices as well as relevant facts and data derived from the projects funded through the 2011 Preparatory Action. Those annexes are intended to be a living part of the recommendations, to be further updated as new information becomes available.

The main purpose of the principles is to serve as guidance providing minimum standards that can inspire sports bodies at all levels in the implementation of good governance across different disciplines and countries. The principles respect the autonomy and the diversity of sports organisations. They are intended to lead to improvement in the governance of sport at national, European and international level. It can also be expected that they will be helpful in the context of the implementation of the Sport Chapter of the proposed Erasmus + Programme (2014-2020) , which mentions good governance as a priority area.
